Stringedwood musika elkartea is a Donostia-based musical collective dedicated to the promotion and production of singer-songwriter folk music in the Basque Country and further afield. Keep up to date with the San Sebastian folk scene here at www.stringedwood.org.
Enjoy our latest Stringedwood videos
Basoka VI (2020)
This year, Basoka VI will take place in the amphitheatre in Miramon. There will be performances from some local musicians (Sara Zozaya, Elena Setien & Joseba Irazoki, Charly y Amateur), as well as some musicians from abroad (Joe Wilkes, RO-E y El Largo Adiós) . We can´t wait! Miss it, miss out!
The fantastic poster was designed and drawn by Edorta Subijana, who has collaborated with Donosti Kultura to coordinate the event with a tiny bit of help from Luke Armstrong.
16:30 – Charly
17:00 – El Largo Adiós
17:45 – Sara Zozaya
18:30 – Amateur
19:15 – Elena Setien & Joseba Irazok
i 20:00 – Joe Wilkes
20:45 – RO-E
For more information, see:
Basoka V
This Sunday (2.06.2019 ) , Basoka V will take place in the Miramon Woods, just next to the Basque Cultinary Centre. Basoka is an intimate folk festival, which is part of the Olatu Talka Festival. This year, there will be performances from ...
Jon Busselo - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FS4n89GOMI8
Ane Leux - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ue70qLueV2M
Luke Armstrong con Josetxo Orueta & Arantza Molina: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWFEO6dXeMY
Iker Lauroba con Olaia Inziarte & Urbil Artola.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35pgvwqWxGk
There´ll be a foodtruck, but you´re welcome to bring a picnic! The first concert starts at 12.
Kontzertuak / Concerts / Conciertos 2018

30.12 - Iker Lauroba @ Hermandetan (Bermeo)
10.11 - Iker Lauroba & Leire @ Arrietako Herriko Taberna
13.09 - Iker Lauroba dentro de INOR EZ DA ILEGALA @ Doka, Donostia
9.6 - Luke Armstrong con Arantza Molina & Josetxo Orueta @ Irabazi Elgar Lanean, Plaza Urumea (Donostia)
26.5 - Basoka IV: Zorionak, Dylan! organizado por Gure Bazterrak. Jon Busselo, Iker Lauroba & Luke Armstrong tocan entre otros artistas de la zona. (Donostia)
5.5 - Luke Armstrong con Josetxo Orueta & Arantza Molina @ Kutxa Kultur Kluba, Tabakalera. (Donostia)
20.4 - Iker Lauroba eta Zentinelak @ Elizpe Zinean (Alegiako)
5.4 - Iker Lauroba + Sara
Azurza @ Marruma Kulturalak (Donostia)
28.1 - Iker Lauroba @ Jane Jauregian (Ugao)
Basoka IV - Zorionak Dylan !
On the 24th of May 2018, Bob Dylan turned 77 years old. A couple of days later, Basoka IV took place as part of Olatu Talka Festival, and this time the event was a homage to Dylan. 23 local musicians performed their interpretations of Dylan songs in The Miramon Woods.
The local musicians who performed were:
Noa Voll Dam & Sergio Villar
Luke Amstrong
Nosa Marshal
Mikel Uharte
Ane Leux
Beñat Antxustegi & Eneko Sierra [Physis Versus Nomos]
Asier Beramendi [Eraul]
Mikel Toyos [The Lookers]
Juan Vaslls
Eneritz Furyak
Charly Duluth [Charly & Pavlyuchenko]
Ignacio Bilbao [Grande Days]
Pedro Gracia [Havoc]
Olana Liss & Sara Martín & Hugo Silveira
Gorka Arranz & Urbil Artola [Howdy SS]
Iker Lauroba & Fariba Sheikan & Urbil Artola
Sara Azurza
Flavio Bánterla
Pablo Blix
Sara Comerón [Frank]
Urko Eizmendi [Pet Fennec]
Mikel Aguirre [Amateur] & Amaia Intxausti
Rafael Berrio & Iker Marañon & Mikel Azpiroz
Here´s an article from the Diario Vasco about the event: https://www.diariovasco.com/culturas/veintitres-visiones-dylan-20180527001226-ntvo.html . Stringedwood wasn´t involved in the organisation of the event this time, and the organisers were the Kultur Etxea from Aiete and Gure Bazterrak.
Jabi Haspi filmed the performances and the videos were then edited by Olatu Talka. They can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SVfdjtCkdtA&list=PLiF0WQvCyWTaRWKOEgrzvaM3geLWQsnlj
Concerts / Kontzertuak / Conciertos: Trimestre 4, 2017.
October-December / Urria -Abendua / Octubre-Diciembre 2017
Concerts / Konzertuak / Conciertos : Trimestre 3, 2017.
July-September / Uztailaren-Urtarrilaren / Julio-Septiembre 2017
21/07 Indigo & María Amolategi @ Gran Camping, Zarautz
25/07 Charlie & The Colours @ Escenario Coca Cola, Jazzaldia, Donostia
04/08 Indigo @ Antxeta, Donostia
05/08 Iker Lauroba & Itsasargiak @ Tabakalera, Donostia
18 /08 Luke Armstrong @ Caf´etcetera, Lalinde
23/08 Luke Armstrong @ Guinguette de Pombonne, Bergerac
21/09 Luke Armstrong @ Ahopeko Kontzertuak, Bilbao
24/09 Luke Armstrong acompañado por Josetxo Orueta & Arantza Molina @ Alboka, Donostia
Basoka III: Folk in the Woods 2017
On May 20th, we´re heading back to the woods for the third edition of Basoka, the mini-festival of Stringedwood musicians and invited artists in Olatu Talka festival, which promises to be particularly special this year.
The event will take place here: https://goo.gl/maps/DHDex1Ue7DK2, right at the start of the Miramon woods, near to the Basque Culinary Centre.
This year two special guests and the Stringedwood artists will be playing. We´ll also be doing a few collaborations to make the event all the more intimate and special.
Here´s the lineup and the concert times:
1800: Iker Lauroba
1845: Luke Armstrong
1930: Charlie Atkey
2015: Indigo
2100: Ane Leux
2145: Jon Busselo
We´re delighted that Jon y Ane will be joining us this year for the event. If you haven´t already heard their stuff, here are some songs to check out :
Ane: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl1xADNisn0
Jon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbpPn5KR3jo
Keep your fingers crossed for good weather. Bring blankets, picnics and something to drink ! See you there !
Concerts / Konzertuak / Conciertos : Trimestre 2, 2017.
April-June/ Apirila-Ekaina / Abril-Junio 2017
21/04, Luke Armstrong @ Chez Albert, Bergerac. 19.00.
21/04, Charlie Atkey @ Tabakalera, Donostia-San Sebastián. 20.00.
05/05, Iker Lauroba & Itsasargiak @ Sala Azkena, Bilbao. Concierto solidario a favor del Sahara. 21.00.
12/05, Iker Lauroba & Leire berasaluze @ Errekaldeko herriko taberna, Bilbao.
20/05, BASOKA III, Miramon, Donostia-San Sebastián. 18.00-22.30.
18,00 Iker Lauroba
18.45 Luke Armstrong acompañado por Josetxo Orueta,
19.30 Iñigo Azpitarte
20.15 Charlie Atkey
21.00 Jon Busselo + banda
21.45 Ane Leux + banda
01/06, Charlie & The Colours @ Costello Club, Madrid.
02/06, Charlie & The Colours @ The Rose Yuncler, Toledo.
03/06, Charlie & The Colours @ La Bañeza.
09/06, Charlie & The Colours @Tabakalera, Donostia.
17/06, Iker Lauroba & Itsasargiak @ Portuko Ranpi, Ondarroa. 19:00.
24/06, Luke Armstrong acompañado por Josetxo Orueta, Arantza Molina & Easo Araoz Gazte @ Tabakalera, Donostia-San Sebastián. 20.00.
Acordes Urbanos en Donostia
En 2015, Victor y Samuel de Acordes Urbanos vinieron a Donostia para grabar algunos videos. Grabaron videos con Charlie Atkey, Iker Lauroba y Luke Armstrong, además de otros artistas de la zona. Os dejamos los enlaces aquí. Disfrutad !
In 2015, Victor and Samuel from Acordes Urbanos paid a visit to Donostia to record some videos. They made videos with Charlie Atkey, Iker Lauroba and Luke Armstrong, as well as some other local artists. Here are the links to the videos. Hope you enjoy them !
Iker : https://vimeo.com/172743933
Charlie : https://vimeo.com/172749617
Luke : https://vimeo.com/212893750
Leonard Cohen en el Alboka
El día domingo 12 febrero, algunos músicos que vivimos en Donosti nos juntarémos en el bar Alboka para tocar algunas canciones de Leonard Cohen.
Leonard Cohen fue un gran poeta & cantautor y podréis disfrutar de 15 interpretaciones de las canciones de este gran artista, que falleció el año pasado.
Será una noche intima de buena música y compañía en el mítico bar Alboka.
Os esperamos allí! No os la perdáis!
Concerts / Kontzertuak / Conciertos: Trimestre 1, 2017.
January-March / Urtarril-Martxoa / Enero-Marzo 2017
27/01 - Iker Lauroba. CBA, Irún.
11/02 - Iker Lauroba & Leire Berasaluze. Endaneako Kafetegian, Hondarribia.
12/02 - Homenaje a Leonard Cohen, organizado por Stringedwood. Alboka Taberna, Donostia-San Sebastián.
24/02 - Luke Armstrong with Josetxo Orueta. CBA, Irún.
9/03 - Charlie & The Colours. 1990, Ordizia.
10/03 - Charlie & The Colours. Topic, Tolosa.
11/03 - Charlie & The Colours. Musikagela Weekend VII, Intxaurrondo K.E.
12/03 - Charlie & The Colours. Maitenia, Ziburu.
18/03 - Charlie & The Colours. Llibreria Strogoff, La Garriga
18/03 - Charlie & The Colours. TBC, Barcelona.
25/03 - Iker Lauroba. Troskaeta Taberna, Lazkao.
26/03 - Indigo. Bideluze, Donostia.
Basoka II : Folk in the Woods (20.5.2016)

19.00 Indigo
19.45 Luke Armstrong + Easo Araoz Gazte
20.30 Iker Lauroba + Easo Araoz Gazte
21.15 Adam Gilles Levy
10.00 Charlie & The Colours
We can´t wait to get back in the woods for Basoka 2016 on Friday 20th May!
Basoka II will be taking place in the Miramon Woods, like last year, but we´re mixing things up this year by including plenty of new collaborations and a special guest. We are collaborating with the Coro Easo for some new songs and new formats; what´s more, the architecture students from the UPV will be taking part in the festival and will be working on the stage and the surroundings to make the most of the woodland setting.
The collaboration with Easo Araoz Gazte will be different to last year´s one as this year Iker Lauroba is going to present his new collaboration with a choir of young children. Luke Armstrong will also be performing with a choir of teenagers in the format which Luke and the choir have been working on and developing since the success of the last edition of Basoka in 2015.
This year we have a special guest, Adam Giles Levy, a musician from London, who is now based in Bilbao. Adam, who defines his music as contemporary folk, clearly has a number of different influences and his music is quite something. He´s both an impressive guitarist and a great singer, with hints of blues, pop, folk and experimental guitar tricks which bring Preston Reed to mind. Here´s a video of him playing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q667n4ARYEQ
See you in the woods on Friday!
Basoka 2015: Folk in The Miramon Woods
Basoka 2015: Folk in The Miramon Woods
On Sunday 31st May, a new event called BASOKA will take place within the Olatutalka Festival 2015. The event will involve the collaboration of various Stringedwood artists with children from Easo music school (Easo Musika Eskola). ‘Basoka' is a play on words between the Basque words for woods (‘Basoa') and string (‘soka'); the name seems fitting for this mini Stringedwood folk festival, which will take place in the woods between Miramón and Aiete this Sunday.
We're really looking forward to performing with the children from the music school and these unusual concerts in the picturesque setting of the woods in Miramón should make a unique and highly memorable event. There will be cellos, flutes, and choirs of children, as well as other surprises during the concerts.
Many thanks to Josu Elberdin for writing the accompaniment which the music school will perform, Musika Eskola Easo, CC. Lugaritz K.E and Edorta Subijana for collaborating with us to put on this festival.
Here's the line up:
11.00 Tristan Crowley
12.00 Charlie&The Colours
13.00 Luke Armstrong & band
14.00 Indigo
(NB. You may notice that this is different from the timings which appear in the Olatutalka booklets. The timings shown on this page are the updated, correct timings).
For more information, go to: http://olatutalka.eu/es/jarduera/basoka/
See you there!
We've stopped our monthly articles on ‘5 things we liked in ...'
We've decided to stop the series of monthly articles on the things we had particularly liked in any given month. However, we'll keep publishing and sharing information about things which interest us (like videos, events, articles, competitions etc.) on our facebook wall. Befriend us on facebook if you want to keep up to date with our news - our facebook name is ‘Stringedwood Donostia'.
Fingerpicker's Corner: An Introduction To Partial Capos
A few years ago, I felt like my playing had got into a rut, and so, in search of inspiration, I headed to my local music store, Stringbrokers Andover, to peruse the guitar gizmos on offer. As luck would have it, I stumbled across a weird and promising-looking device called a Spidercapo. After a quick chat to the shop assistant, who explained that it was a fancy type of partial capo, I decided to fork out the twenty-something quid and give it a go. As soon as I'd got home, strapped it to the neck and starting playing around with it, I was hooked. I knew my playing and composition were already heading off in a new direction...
What is a ‘partial capo'?
What types of partial capos are there?
There are many types of partial capos. Here's a summary of the two main types of partial capos, but If you want to find out more about them, I suggest you go to Harvey Reid's site: http://www.partialcapo.com/devices.
Most partial capos are like shortened versions of normal capos which only fret some of the strings. They can't be adjusted and go across some of the strings on one fret. These are made by companies like Shubb, Kyser, Liberty and Planet Waves.
The second type of partial capo also goes across one fret, but you can choose which of the six strings you press down. Capos like this include the Spider capo and The Third Hand Capo.
How these are used is hard to explain, but easy enough to understand when you see them - take a look at the pictures.
Why do people use partial capos?
Why is using a partial capo easier than using alternative tunings?
When you retune a guitar to put it in an ‘alternative tuning', you have to re-learn how to play the instrument because the position of all of the notes changes. The chords and scales are not in the same places as in standard tuning. However, if you keep the guitar in standard tuning, but use a partial capo to create the same effect, you don't have to go through the process of re-learning where all of the chords and scales are. What's more, it's much quicker to put on a capo than to fully re-tune.
Why aren't they more popular?
Is it worth experimenting with one?
I would definitely recommend it: it's a way of getting to grips with different ways of thinking about the instrument and unlocking more potential sounds. However, be careful! I composed a whole set which was almost entirely dependent on a Spider Capo, and this led to excessive amounts of re-tuning time on stage, which is never much of a crowd pleaser!
Where can I find examples of people playing using partial capos?
Here's a list of other artists who use one: http://www.partialcapo.com/capo_artists.htm. I also use one in this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWFEO6dXeMY.
I learnt a great deal from playing with a partial capo, but recently I've decided to try to alter and rewrite some songs that I had written using one, so that I can play them live without worrying about keeping in tune. Partial capos are a great toy, but experience suggests they are better played with at home, not on stage.
5 things we liked in August
Coming soon: a new book about NICK DRAKE
‘Remembered for a while' will be the title of this new book, which has been edited and compiled by Gabrielle Drake and Cally Calamon. There's already a very good biography of Nick Drake on the market, which was written by Patrick Humphries; however, this new book looks like it will be something different and particularly special. It has lots of previously unseen material - like handwritten lyrics, a musical guide to the songs, interviews, photos, information about his concerts and articles about his how his influence carries on today. It's possible to pre-order the book at the website www.rememberedforawhile.com/ .
THE DANCING YEARS on The Mahogany Sessions
On the 22nd August, The Mahogany Sessions uploaded a new video to Youtube, showing ‘The Dancing Years' in action. ‘We danced last night' is particularly worth listening to.
JAVI RUIZ with Jesús Zambrano and others in Altxerri
Javi Ruiz is the ‘guitarman' who has taken up a residency in Altxerri, and performs there every Tuesday. He's an incredibly gifted musician who is well worth seeing live; he really seems to be a musician ‘through and through'. On the 26th of August, the Venezuelan Mandolinist Jesús Zambrano (who a while back used to play with Luke Armstrong too) returned to Donosti and teamed up with Javi again for an unforgettable evening of Latin music.
JOE WILKES' ‘The High Life' on Acordes Urbanos
At the end of August we saw a video, which had been shared by Acordes Urbanos, of an up-and-coming musician on the London scene: Joe Wilkes. Wilkes has an excellent fingerpicking technique, a powerful, hoarse voice and composes really well. He'll be back in a few months for his Spanish tour and will be stopping off in Valladolid again for a concert and another session with the Acordes Urbanos team. Don't miss it!
DOUGIE MACLEAN is named ‘Folk artist of the month' on folkradio.co.uk
Dougie Maclean is a veteran Scottish singer-songwriter and a folk legend. His music ranges from intimate acoustic ballads, with just Dougie and his guitar, to lively aborginal-Scottish folk fusion songs with his band (bagpipes, percussion, didgeridoo, guitar, violins etc). He really is a unique talent and his live performances are second to none. It was good to see him get this well-deserved award.
5 Things we liked in July
You can now sign up for the PUA DE ORO competition
The Pua de Oro (‘The Golden Plectrum') is back, continuing with its aim “to make San Sebastian the capital of the guitar”. It's a competition for guitarists, particularly electric guitarists, organised by Leize Gorria. The competition gives guitar enthusiasts an opportunity to play live, in front of a good audience, at Bebop bar. You can compete to show your mastery of the instrument and win, or just to take part and have fun.
This competition is a good way to help new competitors ingrate themselves into the music scene here; what's more, events like this one, in which local musicians come together to share a stage and their passion for music, are an impressive demonstration of the growing music scene here.
SHIRLEY COLLINS tribute album
Many artists are going to collaborate to create a collection of covers of songs performed by Shirley Collins. Collins was an essential figure in the folk movement and her album with Davy Graham (Folk Roots, New Routes) was seminal. Bonnie Prince Billy and Bitchin Baja's cover of ‘Pretty Saro' is well worth a listen and is already available on youtube.
On the 12th and 13th, Kutxa Kultur Hiria took place in Plaza Gipuzkoa and other streets in the city centre. There were a number of musical performances, as well as theatre, dance, workshops and market stalls, offering something for people of all ages. The objective of Hiria is ‘The generation of an open space to rethink the city, which serves as a meeting point for creators and innovators from different backgrounds”. The 10 local bands that are going to play in Kutxa Kultur Festival in September (Indigo; Luke Armstrong&band; Frank; Bassmatti&Vidaur; Acido C; Chase the Mayhem; Hyedra; The Animal Within; Mery May) shared the stage in the Plaza Gipukoa, which was decorated with an unusual structure, created by Edorta Subijana, which spelt out the word ‘Hiria' using large black plastic boxes. http://kutxakultur.com/2013/kutxa-kultur-hiria-2014-3/
England's largest and most well-known folk festival started on the 29th July and carried on until the 3rd of August. Cambridge folk festival had a great line up this year, with some all-time greats, including Richard Thompson, Van Morrison and Martin&Eliza McCarthy.
Stumbling across RIVER CROMBIE
River Crombie is a singer-songwriter from Hamburg, who's recorded a homemade CD that is well worth a listen. His music is draws on influences from the folk movement of the 60s and 70s and his clear, clean vocals may well remind you of artists like Jackson C. Frank, Cat Stevens or Eric Andersen. We found his music thanks to www.folkblues.co.uk.
5 things we liked in June
TRISTAN CROWLEY returns to the studio
At the beginning of June, Tristan Crowley returned to the studio to record his second EP. The recordings include new collaborations and some of the new songs which Tristan wrote just before his tour in France. The EP was recorded in Muir Estudio by Jon Vidaur. There'll be more information about it soon. www.facebook.com/tristancrowleymusic
On the 23rd, British songwriter Roo Panes released his second album, ‘Tiger Striped Sky'. The timbre of Panes' voice is particularly special and its combination with his 12 string guitar and open tunings creates something quite out of the ordinary. Here's a link to one of his songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGP-TnIoejk
A competition to win a place on Renbourn Guitar Workshop's course on Bert Jansch
On the 26th, Renbourn Guitar Workshops announced they were going to team up with The Bert Jansch Foundation to offer a scholarship for their course on the folk guitar of Bert Jansch to a guitarist under the age of 30. In addition to this, the winner would get free food and board. The winner was Zach Coombs, who is from Newfoundland. Congratulations, Zach! http://renbournfingerstyle.com/
On the 29th June, Iñigo Azpitarte (the singer of ‘Indigo band') was interviewed on Eitb about his music and his new EP ‘Out of here'. Here (http://www.eitb.com/eu/audioak/osoa/2369768/audioa-indigo-inigo-azpitarteren-musika-proiektua--amarauna/) you can listen to the interview and 3 songs from the EP (‘Wrong', ‘Playing' y ‘Heart'). You can get hold of a copy of the EP at one of his concerts or through Indigo Band's facebook page. (https://www.facebook.com/Indigo0Band).
SAMMY JANKIS on Acordes Urbanos
Thanks to Acordes Urbanos, we discovered ‘Sammy Jankis'- a folk-pop band from Burgos. The songs are melancholic and are inspired by the life of the singer, Alfonso Gutiérrez, as well as stories about his friends. They've got a bandcamp page (http://sammyjankis.bandcamp.com/) and their website is http://www.sammyjankis.com/ .
5 things we liked in May
On the 12th, Nick Mulvey released his first album, ‘First Mind'. Mulvey is an English singer-songwriter, who used to be part of ‘Portico Quartet'; now, he has a solo project and his solo work is also essential listening. His music is very original and could more or less be defined as folk with a hint of World/African music. As well as being musically impressive, some of the lines in his songs are great and will make you reflect, nod and smile. Here's a link to a one great track from the new album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds0jtuyslbI.
The first concert of Charlie Atkey with his whole band was on the 16th May. Charlie & The Colours is made up of Charlie Atkey (guitar & vocals), Oriol Flores (drums), David (double bass), Iñigo Asensio (piano/accordian) and Santi Fernández (trumpet). Their performance in Intxaurrondo, with Bassmatti&Vidaur, Moby Dick and Autumn Defense was a big success and there's an article about the night here: http://www.laganzua.net/cronicas-conciertos/archivo/the-autumn-defense.php.
On the 24th, the second ‘Altzoka' took place; Altzoka is the Alza Fair, which is organized by Gentequehacecosas. The weather was great and the fair worked well in its new location (La Plaza del Casco). There were many stalls, run by local artists and innovators selling CDs from local bands, ethical clothing, art and other local produce, as well as other fair trade products too. The day was great fun and there was a great sense of community spirit. It demonstrated what the city is capable of when people make the effort to work together and share. www.gentequehacecosas.com
JIVIN' MOONSHINE's first gig
The Wannabes (who are now known as ‘Jivin' Moonshine') gave their first performance at Altzoka. This new trio play covers of blues, rag & country-folk music and give a great ‘show'. Their music whisks you off to a warm humid afternoon, many miles away, with the band playing beneath a weeping willow tree, with all the townsfolk sat on their white porches, enjoying the performance. The band's made up of David Sánchez (lead vocals & percussion), Kiski (harmonica&vocals) and Iban (folk/slide guitar and vocals). https://www.facebook.com/jivinmoonshinedonostia
After the impressive performance of the donostiarras Frank en La Via Fora (San Sebastian) on the 25th May, I got myself a copy of their EP ‘My Wild Kingdom'. It's a very impressive and complete EP, which was among the 30 semifinalists in Radio 3's EP competition earlier this year. The standout track on the record is ‘The memory of the tree', which includes the collaboration of ‘Tipsy Gypsy' (banjo & vocals). You can check out all the songs from the EP at http://frankfrankfrank.bandcamp.com/ . It's well worth a listen.